Vitamin D Insufficiency and Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors on Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy

Breast cancer survivors (BCSs) on aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy often experience musculoskeletal symptoms (joint pain and stiffness, bone and muscle pain, and muscle weakness), and these musculoskeletal symptoms may be related to low serum levels of vitamin D. The primary purpose of this pilot exploratory study was to determine whether serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration were below normal (r = −0.422; P < .05 [2 tailed]). This sample of BCSs taking AIs had below normal levels of serum 25(OH)D despite vitamin D supplements. This is one of the few studies to document a significant relationship between vitamin D levels and muscle pain in BCSs on AI therapy. Findings from this pilot study can be used to inform future studies examining musculoskeletal symptoms in BCSs on AI therapy and relationships with low serum levels of vitamin D.

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