Nuclear-charge distribution forA=121from thermal-neutron-induced fission ofU235

The fractional cumulative yield of Ag121 and the fractional independent yields of Cd121, In121, and Sn121 from thermal-neutron-induced fission of U235 were determined radiochemically to be 0.12±0.05, 0.61±0.09, 0.24±0.08, and 0.03±0.04, respectively. The yield values were used to determine the nuclear-charge-distribution parameters σZ=0.55±0.10 and ΔZ=0.50±0.05 for A=121. The σZ for A=121 is close to σZ¯=0.52±0.02 for high-yield fission products, and no evidence for an even-odd Z effect was found for A=121. The positive ΔZ value, which corresponds to ZP=48.15, is similar to those for several higher mass numbers reported previously, and it is considerably greater than the negative values predicted by the scission-point theoretical model. The use of a separation distance between nascent fragments greater than 1.4 fm, the value used in the theoretical calculations, could reduce the discrepancy and could also account for the observed enhanced independent yields of tin fission products with ZP near 50 (A=126–129).