This paper presents the main features of the experimental data on Hall effect measurements in amorphous semiconductors reported so far. More specially, it analyses data on chalcogenide glasses, tetrahedral CdGe x As2 glasses and amorphous germanium, silicon and arsenic. Kolomiets and his group at the Ioffe Institute of Leningrad were the first to study systematically the properties of amorphous semiconductors. Kolomiets and Nazarova (1960) published the first experimental work on the Hall effect in chalcogenide glasses, having examined vitreous materials of the Tl2SeAs2(SeTe)3 system II. Two features of great interest emerged from this work. The first is the magnitude of the Hall mobility, which was found to be a few times 10−l cm2 V−1 s−1 throughout; the second is the sign anomaly of the Hall coefficient, i.e. n-type Hall coefficient but p-type Seeback coefficient. Eighteen years later these features still represent the principal differences between Hall effect results on amorphous, as compared to crystalline, semiconductors.