The Chalk as a karstic aquifer: evidence from a tracer test at Stanford Dingley, Berkshire, UK

Karstic features such as swallow holes and dolines are the rule rather than the exception in the Chalk outcrop of southern England, particularly in the region of the Chalk/Tertiary boundary. Previous tracer tests at Bedhampton and Water End have indicated groundwater transport velocities of 2.2 and 5.5km/day. A recent tracer test at Stanford Dingley in Berkshire has indicated comparably high transport velocities in the Chalk: 5.8km/day for peak tracer concentration, and 6.8km/day for tracer breakthrough. In all three cases the swallow hole systems were able to transmit turbid surface run-off contamination over large distances, indicating a short-circuiting of the natural attenuating properties of the unsaturated and saturated zones. In the light of this, the practice of using swallow holes to dispose of agricultural- and road-run-off should be discouraged.

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