Differential effect of cyclosporin A on the expression of T and B lymphocyte activation antigens.

We have used a monoclonal antibody (Mab) to the interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor as well as a Mab to the transferrin receptor to analyze the effects of cyclosporin A (CsA) on the induction and expression of these activation antigens on mitogen-stimulated murine T and B lymphocytes. The same concentration (0.25 microgram/ml) of CsA that produced optimal inhibition of the T cell proliferative response to concanavalin A (Con A) was also very effective at inhibiting IL 2 production and the induction of IL 2 responsiveness, as well as the expression of the IL 2 and transferrin receptors when measured 72 hr after mitogen activation. Surprisingly, CsA only minimally inhibited expression of these receptors 24 hr after the addition of mitogen; however, T cell blasts recovered from these cultures failed to respond to IL 2 even though IL 2 receptor expression was only modestly decreased. These results suggest that inhibition of the maturation of receptor expression is secondary to an early effect of CsA in blocking the induction of IL 2 responsiveness or to an arrest in the sequence of events required for maturation of T cells that bear high densities of these receptors. In contrast to the results observed with T lymphocytes, CsA had no effect on the B cell proliferative response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or on the induction of the IL 2 and transferrin receptors on activated B lymphocytes.