Wood anatomy of Epilobium colchicum ssp. colchicum, Fuchsia excorticata and Hauya heydeana is described qualitatively and quantitatively. For the latter 2 spp., large logs were available and wood portions from both inside and outside were analyzed. Although these 3 spp. offer no features new for Onagraceae, each adds features new for its respective genus. By vulnerability and mesomorphy, respectively, values are presented showing the range of ecological characteristics of woods of the 3 spp. as well as of all Onagraceae studied earlier. Onagraceae show a wide range in these indices and probably form a good model of what use indices in families with a broad ecological range will demonstrate. Wood from the inside of logs of F. excorticata and H. heydeana is more xeromorphic than wood from the periphery.