CPviolation in the decayBXde+e

The decay bde+e has an amplitude containing comparable contributions proportional to VtbVtd*, VcbVcd*, and VubVud*. These pieces involve different unitarity phases produced by cc¯ and loops. The simultaneous presence of different CKM phases and different dynamical phases leads to a calculable asymmetry in the partial widths of b→de+ e and b¯→d¯e+ e. Using the effective Hamiltonian of the standard model, we calculate this asymmetry as a function of the e+ e invariant mass. The effects of ρ, ω, and J/ψ resonances are taken into account in the vacuum polarization of the and cc¯ currents. As a typical result, an asymmetry of -5% (-2%) is predicted in the nonresonant domain 1GeV<me+e<mJ/ψ, assuming η=0.34 and ρ=0.3 (-0.3). The branching ratio in this domain is 1.2×107 (3.3×107). Results are also obtained in the region of the J/ψ resonance, where an asymmetry of 3×103 is expected, subject to certain theoretical uncertainties in the b→dJ/ψ amplitude.