Among the natural organic compounds with high molecular weights which have been the object of roentgenographic investigations with a view to determining their intimate constitution, rubber and other hydrocarbons of similar constitution such as gutta-percha and balata have been extensively studied in recent years. The results obtained with these substances by x-ray methods have however not been so complete and reliable as in the case of other products with high molecular weights, such as cellulose, found in nature in ramie and in certain vegetable fibers in forms which are particularly well oriented, which is of enormous advantage in structural investigations. Nevertheless, the roentgenographic results on rubber are of the greatest interest because from them it is possible to show that the molecules of rubber are oriented when the rubber is stretched or frozen, so that it can be proved that under these special conditions it has a sort of crystalline structure which is characterized by definite identity periods. The determination of the identity period in the direction of the fibers, which is 8.1 A. U., is particularly reliable.