Correlation of single-mode fiber radiation response and fabrication parameters

Statistically significant correlations have been established between certain fabrication parameters of matched clad, single-mode optical fiber waveguides and their response to an ionizing radiation dose of 2000 rad. The recovery data measured at −35°C following exposure have been fit to nth-order kinetic behavior where the adjustable parameters are the initial and permanent incremental losses (Ao and Af, respectively), the half-life of attenuation τ, and the order of kinetics n. The set of fibers chosen for analysis had Ge-doped silica cores. In fibers with Ge-F-doped silica clads, Ao correlates with the concentration of Ge-doped into the fiber core; Af correlates with the ratio of oxygen to reagents used during core deposition; and τ and n correlate with a two-way interaction of core oxygen and fiber draw speed. In P-F-doped clad fibers, the P concentration has been found to correlate with the order of the kinetics of recovery.