The long and short of it: Reports of pause occurrence and duration in speech

Native speakers of American English and of German listened to a passage several minutes in duration in each language and reported occurrence and duration of pauses. Subjects overestimated occurrence (false positives) and understimated duration. Overall analyses of variance indicated that Germans reported a higher percentage of pauses than Americans; that a higher percentage of pauses was reported in native than in nonnative passages; that Americans reported a higher percentage of pauses in English passages, whereas Germans' percentages were the same in both languages; that American women reported more false positives than American men, whereas German men reported more than German women; and that Americans and Germans both reported more false positives in English than in German. Detailed analyses of the individual passages yielded reliable differences between Germans and Americans in their reports of pauses in three duration brackets: ≤.3;,<1.0;≥1.0 sec. Pause reports of this kind diverge from objectively measured pause data as a function of a number of independent variables and are therefore not to be trusted as objective estimates of either pause occurrence or pause duration.

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