Instead of starting with an initially dry, below sea-level basin undergoing glacierization, as was done in an earlier. model, the present computations are based on the existence of an open channel connecting the Ross and Bellingshausen Seas. The period of glacierization begins as the sea in the channel freezes permanently and acquires accumulation, both from local precipitation and transport from the adjacent mountains. Times of growth of the ice shelf, by combined freezing from below and accumulation of 10 and 20 cm. yr.−1, respectively, are determined for the case of a linear temperature profile in the ice. After the ice shelf becomes grounded further growth is by accumulation only. Steady-state temperature profiles for ice sheets 2,300 and 4,300 m. thick are computed under assumption of constant geothermal heat flux of 10−6 cal. cm.−1 sec.−1 and compared with observed temperatures in the 300 m. drill hole at Byrd Station. Basal melting of the 4,300 m. thick ice is found to exist only for the smaller accumulation rate. The effect of down-slope motion and sinking of ice strata on the vertical temperature profile of the surface layer is studied with aid of the Benfield-Radok formula. Assuming no climatic temperature change and an initial temperature gradient at the ice crest of 1° C. increase per 100 m. increase in depth, the curve of best fit of all those tried is for a sinking rate of 20 cm. yr.−1 and a down-slope speed of 85 m. yr.−1 (2,130 yr. of motion from the crest).