Effects of Differential Solid-Liquid Removal Rates on Protozoa Numbers in Continous Cultures of Rumen Contents

An apparatus for the continuous culture of rumen microorganisms is described, which has a dual effluent removal system designed to simulate the differential flows for liquids and solids found in the rumen. In this apparatus a portion of the fermentation media is removed through a filter (primarily fluid), while mixed fluid and solid media flow out an overflow port. This permits a rapid buffer input rate for maintenance of pH levels, while allowing a longer residence time for digestion of solid particles. The maintenance of protozoa numbers in this system was found to be improved compared to reported numbers in single overflow systems operated at dilution rates greater than one. Feed rates, buffer flow rates, protozoa numbers and other fermentation parameters are reported. In addition, a feeding system for continuous culture studies is described which permits frequent, variable feeding of solid feeds. Copyright © 1976. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1976 by American Society of Animal Science.