Phenoxyethanol as a nontoxic substitute for formaldehyde in long‐term preservation of human anatomical specimens for dissection and demonstration purposes

Formaldehyde has recently been declared a potential carcinogen. Occupational health authorities throughout the world are therefore likely to put stricter regulations to its use also within anatomical disciplines. We have been able to reduce the atmospheric concentration of formaldehyde in our dissection rooms to below the detection limit of a conventional Dräger tube multigas analyzer (i.e., below 0.5 ppm or 0.6 mg formaldehyde/m3 air), by extracting previously formaldehyde‐fixed material for more than 3 months in 1% phenoxyethanol in tap water. In this fluid our material has remained soft and flexible with a consistency and color retention suitable for dissection and demonstration purposes for up to 10 years. Fungal attacks are rare and we have been unable to raise bacteria from such specimens. Even the microscopical structure of most tissues remains satisfactory after 5 years in 1% phenoxyethanol. The unpleasant and irritating smell traditionally felt in dissection rooms is almost absent in out facilities, but some of our students still mention slight odor, headache, drowsiness, and mild eye, nose, and throat irritation during their dissection practice periods.