Patient radiation doses during cardiac catheterization procedures.

The objective of the present project was the determination of the dose received by patients during cardiac procedures, such as coronary angiography, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stent implantation. Thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLDs), suitably calibrated, were used for the measurement of the dose received at four anatomical locations on the patient's skin. A dose-area product (DAP) meter was also used. The contribution of cinefluorography to the total DAP was higher than that of fluoroscopy. A DAP to effective dose conversion factor equal to 0.183 mSv Gy-1 cm-2 was estimated with the help of a Rando phantom. Thus, the effective dose received by the patients could be assessed. Mean values of effective dose equal to 5.6 mSv, 6.9 mSv, 9.3 mSv, 9.0 mSv and 13.0 mSv were estimated for coronary angiography, PTCA, coronary angiography and ad hoc PTCA, PTCA followed by stent implantation and coronary angiography and ad hoc PTCA followed by stent implantation, respectively.