Interactions between cat striate cortex neurons

A series of simultaneous recordings from several striate cortex neurons were made in paralyzed, anesthetized cats. Recordings were obtained with one or two bundles of extra fine wires and originated from one and two cortical orientation columns. Standard PST histograms and, in some cases, response planes were used to analyse the neuronal receptive fields. Functional connectivity between neurons was assessed by cross-correlation of their spike trains. It was found that 61% of neuronal, pairs found within a column shared the same input, either excitatory or inhibitory. Even if neurons in a pair belonged to two different columns separated by 1 mm lateral distance, 40% of pairs still exhibited shared input coordination. This type of coordination could also encompass all combinations of simple and complex fields in the pair. Direct connections between neurons were found almost exclusively within columns: excitatory connections were found in 20% of cases and inhibitory in 8%. Direct connections were often accompanied by the other types of interactions. Only one example of excitatory and one of inhibitory direct connections were found between columns. In both cases preferred orientations were almost identical.