Deoxybonucleic acid (DNA) and antibodies to DNA in the serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Gel diffusion studies demonstrated the presence of DNA antibodies of varying specificities In the serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Some of these sera could be used to distinguish antigenlc differences between native DNA and heat-denatured (single -strand) DNA. These antibodies were employed In a sensitive and specific method for detecting DNA and concentrations of 1 mlcrogram DNA per ml of serum could be analyzed. With this technique, native type DNA was found to be present In the serum of a few patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases. This finding was confirmed by chemical assay for DNA. Serial studies with the sera of certain patients with SLE Indicated that DNA was present at one time, whereas antibodies to DNA were present at another. Such sera Interacted with each other by preclpltln and complement fixation reactions. These findings raised the possibility that DNA and antl-DNA antibodies may have occurred simultaneously, giving rise to antigen-antibody complexes of potential significance in the pathogenesls of organ lesions in SLE.