We studied inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) polymorphism and inheritance in Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] and sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) megagametophytes using primers that anneal to simple repeats of various lengths, sequences, and non-repetitive motifs at the 5′ and 3′ ends. Products were visualized on agarose gels with ethidium bromide staining. More than 60% of the 96 primers tested gave interpretable banding patterns in both Douglas-fir and sugi, and the useful primers were in complete agreement among species. Dinucleotide repeat primers were the majority of those tested, and gave all of the useful banding patterns. The 24 best primers were used for segregation studies, yielding a total of 77 loci distributed among two Douglas-fir families and one sugi family. Approximately 90% of the 24 primers showed polymorphism within at least one of the three families. The average number of variable loci per primer was 1.6. Primers based on (AG) n repeats gave the largest number of polymorphic loci; 16 primer-family combinations yielded 24 segregating loci. However, primer based on (GT) n repeats gave the most loci per primer studied (mean of 2.0). All markers displayed apparent dominance (band presence vs absence), and all but three segregation ratios (4%) fit Mendelian expectations: Because they employ longer primers than do RAPDs, have a high degree of polymorphism, conform well to Mendelian expectations, and do not require use of acrylamide gels for analysis, ISSRs may be useful markers for PCR-based genome maps and population studies of conifers.

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