Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Ethnic Minority Youth

This article reviews research on evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for ethnic minority youth using criteria from Chambless et al. ( 1998 Chambless , D. L. , Baker , M. J. , Baucom , D. H. , Beutler , L. E. , Calhoun , K. S. , et al. . ( 1998 ). Update on empirically validated therapies, II . The Clinical Psychologist , 51 , 3 – 16 . [Google Scholar] ), Chambless et al. ( 1996 Chambless , D. L. , Sanderson , W. C. , Shoham , V. , Bennett Johnson , S. , Pope , K. S. , et al. . ( 1996 ). An update on empirically validated therapies . The Clinical Psychologist , 49 , 5 – 18 . [Google Scholar] ), and Chambless and Hollon ( 1998 Chambless , D. L. , & Hollon , S. D. ( 1998 ). Defining empirically supported therapies . Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 66 , 7 – 18 . [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar] ). Although no well-established treatments were identified, probably efficacious or possibly efficacious treatments were found for ethnic minority youth with anxiety-related problems, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, conduct problems, substance use problems, trauma-related syndromes, and other clinical problems. In addition, all studies met either Nathan and Gorman's ( 2002 Nathan , P. E. , & Gorman , J. M. (Eds.). ( 2002 ). A guide to treatments that work () , 2nd ed. . New York : Oxford . [Google Scholar] ) Type 1 or Type 2 methodological criteria. A brief meta-analysis showed overall treatment effects of medium magnitude (d = .44). Effects were larger when EBTs were compared to no treatment (d = .58) or psychological placebos (d = .51) versus treatment as usual (d = .22). Youth ethnicity (African American, Latino, mixed/other minority), problem type, clinical severity, diagnostic status, and culture-responsive treatment status did not moderate treatment outcome. Most studies had low statistical power and poor representation of less acculturated youth. Few tests of cultural adaptation effects have been conducted in the literature and culturally validated outcome measures are mostly lacking. Recommendations for clinical practice and future research directions are provided.

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