Adhya, Sankar (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Harrison Echols . Glucose effect and the galactose enzymes of Escherichia coli : correlation between glucose inhibition of induction and inducer transport. J. Bacteriol. 92: 601–608. 1966.—The inhibitory effect of glucose on the induction of the enzymes required for galactose utilization (“glucose effect”) was studied in Escherichia coli . Experiments on the uptake into the cell of labeled inducers ( d -galactose- C 14 and d -fucose- H 3 ) pointed to inhibition at the level of inducer transport as the possible primary mechanism of the glucose effect in the case of the gal enzymes. This interpretation was supported by the finding that a mutant constitutive for the lac enzymes was resistant to glucose inhibition of galactose induction of the gal enzymes; the mutant had acquired a glucose-resistant alternative transport mechanism for galactose via the constitutively synthesized galactoside permease. Further support for the transport inhibition model was provided by the finding that glucose did not substantially inhibit induction of the gal enzymes when glucose and galactose were produced intracellularly by β-galactosidase hydrolysis of lactose, even if excess glucose was added. The inducer uptake experiments also showed that d -galactose and d -fucose probably enter the cell via different transport systems, although uptake of both compounds was inhibited by glucose.

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