In utero Evaluation and the Long-Term Prognosis of Living Infants with Cystic Hygroma

Objective: The aim is to evaluate the natural course and the long-term prognosis of cystic hygroma following live birth. Methods: Of 39 cases, 12 were excluded because of either artificial termination or intrauterine treatment. 27 cases were retrospectively classified into 2 groups based on the outcome, and the clinical profiles were compared. The long-term prognosis was analyzed for live births. Results: 5 (18.5%) and 22 (81.5%) cases resulted in live birth and fetal demise, respectively. Both the frequency of hydrops fetalis and the maximum size of the cyst were more significantly associated with a poor prognosis (p < 0.01). Of 5 live births, 3 cases with chromosomal or structural abnormalities were handicapped. Conclusions: Hydrops fetalis and cyst size are poor prognostic factors, and fetal chromosome and structural malformations should be taken into account when predicting the long-term prognosis.