LMCD1/Dyxin Is a Novel Transcriptional Cofactor That Restricts GATA6 Function by Inhibiting DNA Binding

The activity of GATA factors is regulated, in part, at the level of protein-protein interactions. LIM domain proteins, first defined by the zinc finger motifs found in the Lin11, Isl-1, and Mec-3 proteins, act as coactivators of GATA function in both hematopoietic and cardiovascular tissues. We have identified a novel GATA-LIM interaction between GATA6 and LMCD1/dyxin. The LIM domains and cysteine-rich domains in LMCD1/dyxin and the carboxy-terminal zinc finger of GATA6 mediate this interaction. Expression of LMCD1/dyxin is remarkably similar to that of GATA6, with high-level expression observed in distal airway epithelium of the lung, vascular smooth muscle, and myocardium. In contrast to other GATA-LIM protein interactions, LMCD1/dyxin represses GATA6 activation of both lung and cardiac tissue-specific promoters. Electrophoretic mobility shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that LMCD1/dyxin represses GATA6 function by inhibiting GATA6 DNA binding. These data reveal an interaction between GATA6 and LMCD1/dyxin and demonstrate a novel mechanism through which LIM proteins can assert their role as transcriptional cofactors of GATA proteins.