Microcystic adenoma of the pancreas

Three cases of pancreatic microcystic adenoma (PMA) are presented. These tumors comprise less than 1% of all pancreatic tumors in a large series, and exhibit a benign course, in contrast to mucinous cystadenomas, which have a definite malignant potential. The cases here presented are middle and advanced aged women who complained of epigastric discomfort and mild weight loss. Two of them also had a palpable epigastric mass and one of them diabetes mellitus. They were treated surgically with total excision of the tumor. During surgery and thereafter no evidence of spreading beyond the pancreas was found. CT scan shows a characteristic image of PMA, which may then be confirmed by a percutaneous biopsy. If the patient is asymptomatic or a poor surgical risk, it is reasonable to rely on this evidence and follow the patient rather than operate.