Weed Suppression by Live and Desiccated Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa)

Hairy vetch was grown as a winter annual cover crop and evaluated for weed suppression when desiccated by paraquat or left alive until natural senescence in a 3-yr field experiment. Total weed density and biomass were variable in the desiccated hairy vetch treatment relative to a bare soil treatment but were consistently lower in the live hairy vetch treatment relative to the desiccated or bare soil treatments. An average of 87% of sites under live hairy vetch compared to 8% of sites under desiccated hairy vetch transmitted less than 1% of unobstructed sunlight. The red (660 nm) to far-red (730 nm) ratio of transmitted light was reduced by 70% under live hairy vetch compared to 17% under desiccated hairy vetch. Daily maximum soil temperature and diurnal soil temperature amplitude were reduced by live hairy vetch > desiccated hairy vetch > bare soil. Soil moisture content was greater under both live and desiccated hairy vetch compared to bare soil during droughty periods. Changes in light extinction, red to far-red ratio, and diurnal soil temperature amplitude were sufficient to explain greater weed suppression by live than desiccated hairy vetch.