Non‐bullous neutrophilic dermatosis: an uncommon dermatologic manifestation in patients with lupus erythematosus

Background: Rare cases of a non‐bullous neutrophilic dermatosis occurring in patients with lupus erythematosus (LE) have been reported, often as the presenting manifestation of the disease.Methods: We reviewed hematoxylin and eosin‐stained slides and obtained clinical information from four additional patients, two of whom had no prior history of LE.Results: All patients were female, aged 16–59 (mean age 37). Clinically, the skin lesions were characterized by widely distributed pruritic papules and plaques. Three patients presented with systemic symptoms, including fever, arthritis and malaise. Histopathologic examination in all cases showed a superficial perivascular and interstitial neutrophilic infiltrate with leukocytoclasis. There was no evidence of vasculitis. Mild focal vacuolar change was a subtle feature seen only in the biopsies of the two patients with a prior history of LE.Conclusions: It is important to consider LE in the differential diagnosis of non‐bullous neutrophilic dermatoses.