Anterior Chamber Angle Recession and Secondary Glaucoma

Purpose The correlation between traumatic recession of the anterior chamber angle and chronic simple glaucoma was clearly established in 1962 by Wolff and Zimmerman.11There have since been reports by Pettit and Keates,9and Alper2further documenting this relationship. The following points have not yet been clarified in the literature, and it is with these questions that the present study has been undertaken. The incidence of angle recession following blunt trauma. The incidence of late glaucoma following blunt trauma. The correlation between angle recession and late glaucoma. The correlation between date of trauma and development of glaucoma. The incidence of decreased facility of outflow after traumatic hyphema, and its relationship to angle recession. Literature In 1892 Collins made gross pathological examinations of two eyes enucleated after trauma. In his cases, there was a longitudinal split in the ciliary body separating circular from longitudinal