Kinetin action on the development of microbody enzymes in sunflower cotyledons in the dark

Removal of the roots from etiolated sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.) at various stages of development resulted in a premature or enhanced decline of the activities of catalase (E.C. and isocitrate lyase (E.C. (glyoxysomes), and hydroxypyruvate reductase (E.C. and glycolate oxidase (E.C. (leaf peroxisomes) in the cotyledons. Treatment of the cuttings with kinetin in the dark inhibited the loss of glyoxysomal enzyme activities and, at the same time, induced a three to fivefold increase in leaf-peroxisomal enzyme activities. The decline of glyoxysomal enzyme activities was also suppressed after application of both kinetin and cycloheximide (50 μg/ml). The kinetin-mediated rise of leaf-peroxisomal enzyme activities was strongly curtailed in the presence of cycloheximide. The dose effect curves of kinetin action on the development of glyoxysomal and of leaf-peroxisomal enzyme activities were different, supporting the hypothesis that the mechanisms of kinetin action on the two microbody enzyme systems are different. Nitrogen nutrition of intact seedling effected the development of microbody enzyme activities in a pattern closely resembling that of kinetin action. Presumably endogenous cytokinins produced by the roots are involved in the regulation of microbody enzyme activities in cotyledons of dark-grown sunflower seedlings.