β+decay ofNe18and theftvalue of the0+→0−branch

The Ne18F18 β decay was studied by measuring the F18 deexcitation γ rays relative to the dominant superallowed 0+0+ (1042 keV) branch. The ratio of the intensity of the 0 (1081 keV) deexcitation γ ray relative to the 1042 keV deexcitation was found to be (2.97±0.22)×104. An absolute β branch Iβ=(2.14±0.26)×103% and ft=(0.99±0.12)×107 sec for the 0+0 β decay branch were deduced. This value together with the existing result on the parity mixing of the 0+, 0 doublet in F18 suggests |Fπ|=(0.4±1.1)×106. The absolute value for the 0+1+ (1700 keV) β branch was deduced as Iβ=(0.183±0.006)% and ft=(3.19±0.12)×104 sec.

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