In our previous work, we developed a bolus inhalation apparatus and measured the longitudinal distribution of ozone (O3) uptake in intact human lungs at a quiet respiratory flow of 250 ml/min. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of alternative respiratory flows between 150 and 1,000 ml/s. Uptake was expressed as the O3 absorbed during a single breath relative to the amount of O3 in the inhaled bolus (lambda). Measurements of lambda were correlated with the penetration volume of the bolus into the respiratory tract (Vp). Vp in the range of 20–70 ml was considered to indicate upper airways (UA), the Vp interval of 70–180 ml was identified as lower conducting airways (CA), and Vp > 180 ml was associated with the respiratory air spaces (RA). During quiet oral breathing at 250 ml/s, lambda increased smoothly as Vp increased, with 50% of the inhaled O3 absorbed in the UAs and the remainder absorbed within the CAs such that no O3 reached the RAs. The effect of increasing the respiratory flow was to shift the lambda-Vp distribution distally such that significantly less O3 was absorbed in the UAs and CAs and some O3 reached the RAs. For example, at 1,000 ml/s, only 10% of the inhaled O3 was absorbed in UAs and 65% was absorbed in the CAs such that 25% reached the RAs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)