Thermoelectric effect inLa1xSrxMnO3

The thermoelectric effect and its systematic variation with doping level (x), temperature (T), and external magnetic field (H) have been investigated for crystals of double-exchange ferromagnets, La1xSrxMnO3 (0.15<~x<~0.50). Large T- and H-dependent changes of the Seebeck coefficient S are observed around the Curie temperature TC due to the corresponding changes of resistivity. S changes its sign from positive to negative around the insulator-metal phase boundary (x=0.20) above TC for the paramagnetic phase, but around x=0.30 in the ferromagnetic metallic state far below TC. A possibly anomalous change of the electronic structure with the spin-polarization is argued on the basis of the magnetothermoelectric data for the moderately doped (x=0.200.30) crystals.