Incidence of Placental Sulfatase Deficiency on the Mode of Termination of Pregnancy

The mode of termination of pregnancy in case of placental sulfatase deficiency (PSD) has been considered in a 28-case series from our laboratory. After comparison with 75 other cases collected from the literature and also with reports concerned with normal pregnancies it appears that in the case of PSD: first, the gestation length is not increased; second, the parity of the patients has no influence on the mode of delivery; third, spontaneous vaginal delivery can occur (67.8% in our series, 43% in the literature series); fourth, the failure rate of labor, especially when induced, is higher than in a normal population; fifth, the high rate of C-section, largely due to the failure of labor, is enhanced by untimely interventions mostly in case of isolated PSD. If a pejorative incidence of PSD on the mode of delivery exists it must be at a moderate level, and intervention is unnecessary in absence of associated fetal and/or maternal complications.