Sixteen cases of atheromatous embolism to the central nervous system were found in a survey of 6,685 consecutive adult autopsies performed at Kings County Hospital Center from 1958 through 1963, and these cases are compared below with the 14 previously published cases of this entity.1-8 Analysis of Clinical Data Clinical information concerning the 16 patients is briefly summarized in Table 1. The ages of the patients ranged from 43 to 90 years (mean, 72.5 years). Seven patients were male, and nine were female. Six patients were clinically hypertensive, and four were diabetic. Positive serologic reactions for syphilis were obtained in two patients. None of the 16 patients was known to have a clinical disorder characterized by excessive coughing, sneezing, or other sudden strain. In one instance (case 3) an elective aortotomy was performed for correction of a stenotic aortic valve. The patient expired 72 hours after the surgical procedure