Circularity of the Caulobacter crescentus chromosome determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

Previous genetic analyses of the Caulobacter crescentus chromosome have resulted in the construction of a linear genetic map. To establish the circularity of the C. crescentus chromosome, restriction fragments generated by digestion with AseI and SpeI were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern hybridization. The size of each fragment was calculated and used to demonstrate that C. crescentus has a genome size of approximately 4,000 kilobases. In addition, both enzymes gave rise to large DNA fragments which contained genes from both ends of the genetic map. Thus, there is physical linkage between the genes at the ends of the genetic map and the chromosome is circular. Since this region of the chromosome appears to contain the replication terminus, we propose that recombination occurs at a high frequency in the vicinity of the terminus. This high frequency of recombination would prevent genetic linkage from being observed between genes on opposite sides of the terminus. Additional experiments using insertions which introduced new AseI and DraI restriction sites into the genome allowed us to calculate the physical distance between genes located in the vicinity of the replication terminus.