Beitrag zur Epidemiologie des Ovarialkarzinoms

At the Gynecological University Hospital in Marburg/Lahn, West Germany, 190 women with ovarian cancer who were under clinical treatment from 1962-July 1976 were epidemiologically studied. Special risk factors which seem to predispose to the development of ovarian cancer were determined. Higher social standing, having no children or having borne more than 4 children, a shortened menarche-menopause interval, having had radiation of the pelvis and having had an appendectomy seem to be factors overrepresented among cancer patients in Marburg. More patients had blood group A and fewer had blood group 0 than would be expected from the distribution in the population as a whole. Polyps of the corpus uteri often preceded cancer of the ovary. Diabetes mellitus, adiposity, hypertension and varicosis were frequent accompanying diseases. Many patients had a family history of cancer.