Factorization in color-favored B-meson decays to charm

Improved B meson decay data have permitted more incisive tests of factorization predictions. A concurrent benefit is the ability to constrain the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb|. Using a simultaneous fit to differential distributions dΓ(B0D(*)+lν¯l)/dq2 and the rates for the color-favored decays B0D(*)+(π,ρ,a1), we find |Vcb|=0.0415±0.0022. The slope of the universal Isgur-Wise form factor is described by a parameter found to be ρ2=1.52±0.11. Taking the Ds meson decay constant from the world average of direct measurements, we predict satisfactorily the branching ratios for B0D(*)+Ds(*). Ratios of helicity amplitudes for color-favored processes are also found to be in accord with predictions.