Molecular Embryogenesis of the Heart

Development of the heart is a complex process involving primary and secondary heart fields that are set aside to generate myocardial and endocardial cell lineages. The molecular inductions that occur in the primary heart field appear to be recapitulated in induction and myocardial differentiation of the secondary heart field, which adds the conotruncal segments to the primary heart tube. While much is now known about the initial steps and factors involved in induction of myocardial differentiation, little is known about induction of endocardial development. Many of the genes expressed by nascent myocardial cells, which then become committed to a specific heart segment, have been identified and studied. In addition to the heart fields, several other “extracardiac” cell populations contribute to the fully functional mature heart. Less is known about the genetic programs of extracardiac cells as they enter the heart and take part in cardiogenesis. The molecular/genetic basis of many congenital cardiac defects has been elucidated in recent years as a result of new insights into the molecular control of developmental events.