Total body water-to-lean body mass ratio in baboons (Papio sp.) of varying adiposity

Total body water (TBW), lean body mass (LBM), and triglyceride mass were measured in 23 5-yr-old baboons (13 females and 10 males). Male baboons weighted more, had more LBM, more TBW, and contained less triglyceride mass per unit body weight than female baboons. Among all baboons, triglyceride mass per unit body weight ranged from 2.4 to 33.5%. The ratio TBW:LBM ranged from 0.70 to 0.92, increasing (r = 0.98) with increased body triglyceride content (both percent and absolute mass) in both male and female baboons. However, the water content per unit weight of tissues free of fat cells (liver, lungs, kidneys, central nervous system, eyes, tongue) was nearly constant at 0.73 .+-. 0.02. The increase in TBW:LBM is more than can be expected from the water in the increased adipose tissue mass. We conclude that TBW:LBM is not constant but is influenced by body triglyceride content in baboons.