Calcium Carbimide in Alcoholism Treatment. Part 2: medical findings of a short‐term, placebo‐controlled, double‐blind clinical trial

Drug-induced toxicity in chronic alcoholics who participated in a 4-month placebo (Pl)-controlled clinical trial of the efficacy of calcium carbimide (CC) is reported. Daily monitoring of patients'' compliance indicated that 85% of study medications were taken, and very little drinking took place during the study. Patients did not report more symptoms or experience more medical problems during CC administration than during placebo administration. There was no evidence of hepatotoxicity, or behavioral toxicity. Mean white blood cell count was slightly increased during CC treatment, and returned to baseline values when CC was stopped. Thyroid function was not affected by CC in patients with normal pretreatment function. However one patient with pretreatment reduced thyroid function became hypothyroid after CC administration, which indicates a need for systematic monitoring. We conclude that CC is safe for use in alcoholics with normal thyroid function, and may be the preferred alcohol-sensitizing drug in some situations.