Surgical treatment of Cushing's disease

The endocrinological, radiological, surgical, and pathological experience with 34 consecutive patients operated on for Cushing's disease is presented. Preoperative endocrine evaluation demonstrated that 19 patients had "typical" endocrine patterns for pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent hypercortisolism and 11 had "atypical" testing. Pituitary pathology was found in 95% of the patients with typical preoperative endocrine testing but in only 55% of those with atypical testing. Eight of 34 preoperative computerized tomography scans demonstrated tumors, which correlated in all instances with the surgical findings. Microadenomas were removed from 25 patients, 22 of whom achieved postoperative remission of endocrine symptoms. Macroadenomas were found in three patients, only one of whom achieved remission after surgery. One patient had removal of an adenoma in the pharyngeal pituitary, and in another an ectopic lung carcinoid was excised; both of these patients were in postoperative remission. Four patients underwent transsphenoidal exploration but no definitive explanation was found for their hypercortisolism; these patients were not in remission. Immunohistochemical staining was performed on every specimen and all tumors showed excessive ACTH-secreting cells. A new rapid stain of the fibrovascular stroma is described.