1. The effects of substratum stability on the diversity of stream invertebrates were assessed at two spatial scales in a Japanese stream during baseflow, from May to June 1998. Deposition and erosion were examined separately as distinct elements of substratum stability by a newly developed method using small steel pins. Stream invertebrates were sampled after 28 days of measurement of substratum stability. We also measured physical environmental variables, current velocity and depth, and food resource parameters including periphyton and particulate organic matter (POM) standing crops.2. At the scale of the habitat patch, the effects of substratum stability on invertebrates were overwhelmed by those of POM standing crop. Moreover, higher taxon richness at high abundance may simply result from a higher likelihood of more taxa being included in samples. Therefore, this small scale revealed no role for substratum stability in explaining spatial pattern of community diversity.3. At the reach scale (n=10), taxon richness and evenness peaked at an intermediate level of deposition, whereas invertebrate abundance did not show any significant relationship. This result, and the pattern of relative abundance of common taxa, implies that the diversity of stream invertebrates was determined by subtle substratum movements and by the habitat preference of each taxon.4. The difference in the determinant of community parameters between the habitat patch and the reach affirm the importance of a cross‐scale analysis to choose an appropriate spatial scale for investigating the community structure of stream invertebrates. Prominent effects of substratum stability, particularly the deposition of substratum particles, during baseflow suggest that subtle and constant movement of small substratum particles can contribute to determine the diversity of stream invertebrates.