The numerous publications on developmental cataract, as summarized by Nettleship,1Harman,2Groenouw,3Clausen,4and Waardenburg,5have tended to show a uniformity in the type of cataract observed within any family line. Nevertheless, it is sometimes found that certain of the cataractous persons in a given pedigree have a type of opacity of the lens significantly different from that presented by the remaining affected members of the family (Knies,6Gjersing, 1878, quoted from Harman,2Nettleship,Harman,8Groenouw,3Halbertsma,9Walsh and Wegman10). This fact has been commented on by various observers, and a question raised from time to time as to the etiologic relationships of the various types. The present paper will de- scribe a genealogy of 123 people, 44 with cataract, which is remarkable for the variety of forms the cataract assumes, and will discuss the question of the genetic