Mode of neutralization of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies

Neutralization of the infectivity of [3H]uridine-labeled lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) by polyclonal mouse or rabbit antibodies to the envelope glycoprotein of LDV, VP-3, or by neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that recognize a different epitope on VP-3 than the polyclonal antibodies correlated with an increase in the sedimentation rate of LDV from 230 S to ≧270 S. Incubation of LDV with normal mouse plasma or nonneutralizing mAbs to LDV VP-3 had no effect on its sedimentation rate. Similarly, incubation of a neutralization escape variant of LDV with the mAb used in its selection had no effect on its sedimentation rate, whereas neutralization of this variant by polyclonal mouse or rabbit anti-VP 3 antibodies increased the sedimentation rate. Neutralization of LDV infectivity was only observed at high antibody/virion ratios and often was followed by loss of the viral RNA. The results suggest that neutralization of LDV infectivity results from binding of multiple antibody molecules that recognize specific epitopes on the viral envelope glycoprotein and ultimately leads to disintegration of the virions.