Spin-flip excitations in the fractional-quantum-Hall-effect regime studied by polarized photoluminescence of charged excitons

We report on a low-temperature magneto-optical study of the spin-singlet charged exciton (Xs) transitions in GaAs/Al0.1Ga0.9As modulation-doped multiple quantum wells with an optically tuned two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density corresponding to a filling factor in the range 0<ν<~1. We find strong evidence for the effect of 2DEG magnetic correlations on the Xs spin-resolved transitions. The energy difference between the σ- and σ+-polarized Xs photoluminescence (PL) intensity maxima is found to oscillate with varying ν. The numerical derivative of these oscillations with respect to ν shows minima at odd denominator rational fractions and maxima at even denominator fractions, similar to the longitudinal resistivity measured in the fractional quantum Hall effect. At ν=1, the observed σ-polarized low-energy PL tail is interpreted (by a line-shape analysis) to be due to a finite-k 2DEG spin-wave emission coupled to the optical recombination of the Xs.