Ernährungsphysiologische Untersuchungen an Schweincn zur Beurteilung von modifizierten Proteinen

The endogenous N-quota in the chyme of the small intestines after providing modified proteins was determined with re-entrant cannulae at the end of the ileum in investigations with pigs (35-50 kg live wt) with the isotope dilution method. The N-pool of the test animals was labeled with 15N-glycine and 15N-leucine. The trichloroacetate-soluble fraction of the blood plasma served as criterion for the labeling level of the N-pool. There was a direct connection between N-intake and endogenous N in the chyme of the small intestines. With regard to N-intake, the dependence of endogenous N in the chyme of the small intestines on feed protein could be observed.