Lung Mechanics in Orally Immunized Mice after Aerolized Exposure to Influenza Virus

A method is described which allows the investigation of lung mechanics during artificial ventilation in live mice. Inhalation of nebulized influenza virus (A/ PR/8/34, H1N1) decreased in NMRI mice compliance (x = 0.012 ml/cm H2O, n = 18) due to severe virus pneumonia and edema on days 5–7 after infection. In comparison to noninfected controls (x = 0.029 ml/cm H2O, n = 17) compliance was unchanged in infected, but orally immunized mice (x = 0.030 ml/cm H2O, n = 21). The results demonstrate that decreased compliance due to influenza virus pneumonia can be prevented by oral immunization with influenza viruses