Effect of Certain Hendecynoic Acids and their Ammonium Salts on Acid Production in Saliva Containing Glucose

2-,6-,9-, and 10-hendecynoic acids and their ammonium salts inhibit the production of acid in saliva containing glucose. When the concns. in terms of the free acid were 50 mg./100 ml. and above the pH seldom dropped below 5 even after a 72-hr. in-cubation, while the pH of control tubes without inhibitor dropped, in nearly all cases, as low as 4.3 in 24 hrs. Studies on the effect of 9-hendecynoic acid and its ammonium salt on the growth of and acid production by a pure culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus showed marked inhibition bv relatively low concns. of the inhibitors. Equal molecular concns. exerted the same degree of inhibition. 9-hendecynoic acid exerted considerable inhibitory action on fermentation by baker''s yeast. Its ammonium and triethanolamine salts, although active, showed considerably less activity in this regard.