F19(d, p)F20and the Nuclear Structure ofF20

The reaction F19(d, p)F20 has been studied with 16-MeV deuterons. Outgoing protons were detected in photographic emulsions in a magnetic spectrograph. Spectroscopic factors were extracted and combined with previous information and compared with results of shell-model calculations performed in a complete sd-shell basis. Of the previously known 25 states below Ex=4.5 MeV, angular distributions measured at 14 angles were obtained for all but the 5 at Ex=1.824, 2.871, 3.761, 4.20, and 4.21 MeV. Strong stripping angular distributions were observed for 10 states-6 dominated by l=2, and 4 by l=0. These 10 states agree reasonably well in position and strength with the 10 lowest shell-model states predicted to have appreciable amounts of the configuration [F19(g.s.)1d52 or 2s12 neutron)].