Regulation of heat shock protein synthesis in rat astroeytes

Rat forebrain astrocytes synthesize heat shock proteins with molecular weights 97,89,70,68, and 30-34 kilodaltons. The stress inducible 68-kDa heat shock protein (HSP-68) was vigorously expressed by astro-cytes in culture after a 45°C, 20 min heat shock. HSP-68 synthesis was poorly inducible by a second heat shock given 16 hr after the initial heat shock. Decreased [35S]methionine incorporation into HSP-68 correlated with low levels of HSP-68 mRNA present after the second heat shock. The data suggest that control of HSP-68 mRNA levels by transcriptional/ posttranscriptional mechanisms is a major site for regulation of HSP-68 synthesis.