Accelerated loss of FEV‐1 in polyurethane production workers: A four‐year prospective study

A four‐year longitudinal study of ventilatory function in polyurethane‐foam production workers exposed to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) revealed a dose‐response relationship between average exposure to TDI and change in forced expiratory volume per second (FEV‐1). Workers with mean exposure in excess of 0.0035 ppm showed a greater rate of decline of FEV‐1 over the four‐year period than that expected from aging. Factors other than TDI exposure (sex, smoking history, history of atopy) do not account for the loss. The current threshold limit value (TLV) for exposure to TDI in industry (0.02 ppm) does not protect workers from accelerated impairment of ventilatory capacity.