Origin of 1/f noise in Y1Ba2Cu3O7−x step-edge dc SQUIDs

We have fabricated Y1Ba2Cu3O7−x step‐edge junction dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) and characterized their noise performance. The current‐voltage characteristics of our SQUIDs are of resistively shunted junction type with critical current densities jc of about 104 A/cm2 and maximum flux to voltage transfer functions δV/δΦ of 20 μV/Φ0 at 77 K. We compare model predictions for 1/f noise in dc SQUIDs with experimental data and show that the frequency dependent noise in our devices results from critical current fluctuations of the Josephson junctions. A bias current reversing technique is effective in suppressing this noise contribution. A flux noise Φn of 80 μΦ0/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz and 77 K was measured on a dc SQUID with an inductance Ls of 60 pH.