Measurement of 223Ra and 224Ra in coastal waters using a delayed coincidence counter

We describe a nuclear detector system for measuring low activities of 223Ra and 224Ra in natural waters based on an original design of Giffin et al. (1963). Samples are obtained by adsorbing 223Ra and 224Ra onto a column of MnO2 coated fiber (Mn fiber). The short‐lived Rn daughters of 223Ra and 224Ra which recoil from the Mn fiber are swept into a scintillation detector where alpha decays of Rn and Po occur. Signals from the detector are sent to a delayed coincidence circuit, which discriminates decays of the 224Ra daughters, 220Rn and 216Po, from decays of the 223Ra daughters, 219Rn and 215Po. The system is calibrated using 232Th and 227Ac standards with daughters in equilibrium adsorbed on Mn fiber. Results of samples from Tampa Bay, Florida, and the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers mixing zones are reported. The method is extendible to measurements of 227Ac, 231Pa, 228Th, and 228Ra.